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TOFU is a very versatile food ingredient that can be added to lots of our traditional Indian dishes as well as Chinese and continental dishes.

Fry the Capsicum ‘onion in oil, lightly. Add salt and green chillies. Add tofu and stir lightly. Add soya sauce and stir. Take the pan off the stove.

Take Pizza base and spread some tomato sauce on it. Spread all the vegetables and tofu on top. Then spread the grated cheese on top of vegetables and tofu. Put the Pizza base in. an oven and cook for about 10 to 15 minutes,till the cheese melts fully. Serve hot.

  • Tofu -100 gms (cut to small cubes),Capsicum – 2 (cut to small pieces),Onion -2 (cut to small pieces)
  • Soya sauce 2 T.sp,Green Chillies (small) – 2.
  • Oil – 3 T.sp,Cheese – 30 gms (grated).
  • Pizza base